Thoughts on Today's Verse...
The Christian life is a life of boldness. As children of God, we can have total confidence in our relationship with Him as our Father. We have no reason to feel as if we need to tremble or fear when we approach God. We have no reason to feel ashamed or afraid. All of that was removed when Christ died on the cross for us and resurrected on the third day. Jesus Christ totally transformed the relationship that we have with God. In the times of the Old Testament, people feared God and they never thought of coming into His presence. Even the High Priests weren't safe enough to enter God's presence, the Holy of Holies, because of their sin.
But when the power of sin over our lives was overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ, the dynamics of our relationship with God changed. We no longer have to be far away from God. We don't have to cower away from him, wallowing in our imperfections. God wants us as close Him as possible so that He can love us, guide us, assure us, and strengthen us. God wants to see us grow. He wants to see us overcome the habits and strongholds that held us down for years.
God wanted us free and we were set free through His son. The freedom we received was free of charge. God granted us this freedom out of his deep love for us and nothing else. There weren't any ulterior motives. God didn't wait spring any unpleasant surprises on us - and that is how it will remain.
God takes delight in the fact that we are able to approach him boldly. He doesn't want us to be afraid of him. This may confuse a few people who many not know what the "fear of God means". To fear God does not mean to be afraid of Him. It means to hold him in high regard; to revere him.
My Prayer...
Almighty and most holy God, I know that without your grace and attentive care my requests to you would go unheeded. But I also am confident that because I am your child, my requests matter to you. Thank you for hearing my prayers each day. Thank you for caring about my concerns. Thank you for being patient with my impatience and tender with my frustrations. Most of all, Father, thank you for the freedom to do what I have no right or power to do — to invade your world with my concerns and be welcomed by you there. In Jesus' name. Amen.