Faith Toward the Future (Proverbs 27:1, 12)
hello my friend it is good to be with you again Carrie green here it's time for the morning mindset this is our attempts to get our minds off the line with the truth of God for this day I hope that you're doing well. I wanted to remind you about our nonprofit it's called not a needy person inside our desire to reflect the same attitude that existed in the early Church in Acts chapter 4 you can read about that it says the people were voluntarily giving other means got to bless them with so that none among them had neat that's were not a needy person comes from one version says not a needy person was among them and so we just have this Vision to enable Believers in Christ to make their needs known and other believers in Christ to voluntarily come along and help meet those needs not a needy person is a platform that enables that to happen on a limited scale please check it out at not a needy person. Org and let me know what you think
 okay today were talking about face as it pertains to the Future
 now I don't have any sort of a way of looking into the future and seeing what's going to happen neither do you and for that reason we need to have an appropriate humility before the god of creation who does know the future and impact has ordained the future all things are working according to his planned and the Book of Proverbs chapter 27 verses 1 and 12 both have comments about how we should behave in light of the fact that we don't know about the future verse 1 says it very obviously it says do not boast about tomorrow for you to not know what a day may bring so what does that mean when it says do not boast about tomorrow well it's telling us we should not say things in such a confident manner like tomorrow I'm going to go do this or I'm going to go on vacation to Europe in March in or something like that we just need to be a little more
 circumspect a little more humble in the way that we say things because we need to be able to reflect in her attitude and inner Consciousness that we understand God is in control. Holds the future we do not presume to know what's coming we don't know what's coming in there for it we're going to be humble about it and trust the Lord never 12 expands on the idea it says the crew sees danger and hides itself but the simple go on and suffer for it the same version say The Prudent sees danger coming and hides himself and that really is a view toward the future isn't it it's like noticing the economy is getting bad and deciding while I'm going to quit spending as much that would be an example of Proverbs 27 12-seat you're preparing for the day ahead. This can be a very difficult one to to determine exactly what you should do in certain circumstances I remember back in the year two thousand white ukke was it
 the only feeling not Y2K was it was this whole belief that the computer systems the world wouldn't know how to handle the change from the 19 hundreds into the two thousands and I was the first time anything like that had ever happened and so there was all this fear that the computer systems the world we're going to crash and show that included utilities that included you know all kinds of things that you can't write down to personal computers come into all this hubbub went on and people were stockpiling food and people were stockpiling water and all kinds of things and you could say that was an application to Proverbs 27 12th and prudent sees danger and hides himself with the simple go on and suffer for it but it proved to be false in that case now could be because preparations were made in the computer systems were mostly fixed in there were no issues but it could also be that it was a lot of hype about nothing
 so what do we do in a case like that well we depend on the Lord just like this one was telling us we don't boast about tomorrow we don't boast about the plans were making we don't boast about our preparation we just humbly trust the Lord to guide us situation by situation that's why it's so important that we learn to walk in the spirit as Galatians says we are to learn to go by the cues the holy spirit gives us through our study the word through the wisdom he gives us and through our interaction with other believers that way we can have faith for the future that actually honors God and actually provides wisdom in the way that we behave in the Here and Now
 friends I hope this is helpful to you I would love to hear from you what you think about this idea of having faith toward the future you can reach out to me my email address is Carrie darey at Carrie green.com
 Jesus we thank you for giving us the ability to see humbly that we are not the masters of our own destiny we are not the ones who create our future as some voices would say these days you are the one who does all that and we are your subjects we are your servants and so it is not our place to boast about tomorrow but rather to have a humble attitude we ask you to give us the humble attitude not one that is cowering and cringing and it kind of mealy-mouthed milquetoast we don't want that board we want to be confident in you confident that our God our good King is doing good in the world and will care for us so guide us and Mabel is to hide ourselves from danger is coming but also to prepare for what is coming we ask it in Jesus name