A Prayer for Family
Life audio
thank you for listening to your daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what is going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you right after the short word from our sponsor we will pray through today's prayer together
a prayer for family by Emma Dancy 1st Timothy 5:8 says anyone who does not provide for their relatives and especially for their own household has denied the face and is worse than an unbeliever
God has entrusted each one of us with different family members weather biologically or through adoption the Lord has strategically placed each one of us where we are for a reason this calling in 1st Timothy 5:8 is to be taken seriously and chapter 5 Timothy is discussing the importance of caring for the widows elders and service in the midst of his instructions he finds it valuable to pause and share that those who do not take care of their relatives especially those in their home have denied the faith and are worse than unbelievers why would God speak so harshly about this think about the Brokenness and homes and the poorest tax on the children Ponder the suffering elderly relative who no one checks on or chairs for remember the priorities that the Lord has placed on serving him first then spouses then
children excetra there is a clear direction from God that we can do all the ministry in the world but if we neglect to minister to our own family the other is in vain we see an example of this in 1st Timothy 3 when the Lord addresses the qualifications for an elder in the church managing his household is one of the requirements today we are going to pray over our families knowing that God has given specific Ministries to us and being part of their lives let's pray our father thank you so much for intentionally placing me within the family that I'm in even though every family comes with challenges you have entrusted these loved ones to me I pray that you would help me to love them like you guide me in your wisdom had a best prioritize them and their spiritual care
help me to pray for them daily reach out to them and love them and the season that they are in it is not always easy for me to love those closest to me because I experience there since two off and I see their worst days would you give me the strength to be a light to them please help me to be strong in you to love them well God would you bless me with extra compassion and gentleness as I walk through life with family help me to be a true minister of your loved them even when they do not deserve it
Lord some families are unhealthy I pray for any boundaries that needs to be set out of protection and love to be made you call us to love but not to endanger ourselves give wisdom to those who have been greatly abused or hurt by their family members helped them not to walk in shame but to walk in your Victory give them wisdom how to love well with healthy boundaries for those who experience broken families mend what is shattered heal the hurts give them Grace show them your great mercy and pay for spouses who need to reset their priorities help me and others to know how to best put you first and then our spouses second help us to refine Denver feel a greater depth of who you are to them
I pray for parents to know how to love and protect their children well give us wisdom on how to disciple them help us to share the gospel daily through our words and actions lead us as we leave them help us to walk in humility when we make mistakes I pray for those with aging relatives help us to love them reach out to them often and show great care for them give us a joey to listen and learn from their many years guide us to show honor and value to lead us in the best ways of caring for their daily needs Lord help us not to be Hypocrites but to live out this truth help us to value our family well and to show your love to them in ways that you call us to unite Us in you amen
your daily prayer is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show
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