A Prayer to Start the Day with Gladness
Life audio
thank you for listening to your daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what's going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you right after the short word from our sponsor will pray through today's prayer together
prayer to start the day with gladness by Christine Brown read by Liam Martin
yet he did not leave himself without witness for he did good by giving you reigns from heaven and fruitful Seasons satisfying your hearts with food and gladness acts 1417
the moment I wake up thoughts begin competing for my attention
I've noticed that my response depends on where I put my focus
I'm a react with frustration over my long to-do list awaiting me or I may worry about things out of my control I might even feel Moody because I didn't sleep well so I have a choice to make first thing in the morning when starting my day will I choose to focus on which ever thought screams the loudest or will I choose gladness
acts 14 gives an account of Paul and Barnabas as they traveled around preaching about Jesus
while in lystra God used Paul to heal a man crippled from birth
the townspeople and immediately began praising Paul and Barnabas and calling them gods
krauts Focus was on the wrong thing so they couldn't see the true source of their gladness
Paul and Barnabas showed great remorse for how the people responded
they pleaded with the witnesses to turn from these vain things to a living God who made the Heaven and the earth and the Sea and all that is in them 14:15
then Paul pointed the people back to Jesus by telling him about his goodness and acts 14-17 saying yet he did not leave himself without witness for he did good by giving you reigns from heaven and fruitful Seasons satisfying your hearts with food and gladness
the people who witnessed the miracle healing had every reason to be glad that day no doubt they wanted to Rejoice for this good thing they'd seen happened right before their eyes
but they turned their focus away from the one who will satisfy us whatever the Day brings
pause words for Marquis verse still whole truth for us today
instead of beginning the day focused on the wrong things let's think about this Jesus satisfies our hearts with gladness
starting the day with gladness will change the atmosphere in our homes workplaces or wherever we are it sets the right tone for the day ahead let's thank Jesus right now and start this day being glad because of him
let's pray
do you have any father you are my source of gladness when I'm tempted to start my day with worry frustration or disappointment I'll turn my focus toward you
I have reason to Rejoice today because of Jesus
it's so easy to get distracted by the cares of this world and just forget that you created the Earth and everything in it
James 1:17 tells me every good and perfect gift is from above
thank you for the beauty of your creation the comfort of your presence and the wonderful gift of eternal life through your son
so whatever this day brings I'll respond with gladness because you are the only one who satisfies my heart
in Jesus name I pray amen