A Prayer for Christians Who Are Stuck
Life audio
 thank you for listening to you or daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what's going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you
 right after the short word from our sponsor will pray through today's prayer together
 a prayer for Christians who are stuck by Meg Bucher read by Liam Martin
 live in harmony with each other don't be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people and don't think that you know it all Romans 12:16
 what happens to us Christians after we have an encounter with Jesus so immense it changes the course of our eternity that we could lose our sense of who he is and why he came
 Paul warns the Roman Church in his letter and we'd be wise to take note today not to throw people into different categories of Christianity he was specifically referring to the way they were tempted to shut out those who they couldn't gain from he refers to them in our scripture today as Ordinary People
 division always distract us from the main thing and the main thing is Jesus he was crystal clear in dictating Doctrine when confronted by Pharisees and very adamant about what the greatest command is love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself love God love people
 today we run the risk of being written off all together when one group of Christians looks down upon another group of Christians the Bible is clear about correction within the church
 I believe it's important to make quick work of it and move on to the task at hand because reaching the Far Corners of the world is no small task and it will take all of us that includes those who are seemingly important and the seemingly not so noteworthy the fake Christians the party crowd and those not like us don't put it past Jesus to reach people through anyone
 let's not get stuck categorizing Christians when there are still so many people who have yet to know who Jesus is
 let's pray
 father we come to you today humbled and ready to remove any and all stigmas we've placed on other people we get so caught up in healthy boundaries we start letting our pride our offense of our patients write people off our time card
 we're reminded today father that you punch that time card author of our days and creator of our hearts we surrender our lives and new to you today God
 we freely release our scheduled perimeters and trust you and you to designer days knowing you are not a god of chaos but of purpose and promise
 thank you Jesus for your sacrifice for us thank you for allowing us to be a part of your plan for people what a privilege and a joy to walk alongside others in this life
 thank you for placing us purposely among other people God We Trust who you placed in our lives we believe we're supposed to be in the community status in
 father when we get impatient and we're tempted to quit renew our strength and we fix our perspective let us see through your filter of love God in Jesus name amen
 your daily prayer is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show
 four more faith filled inspirational podcast at life audio.com