Verse of the Day
Grow Closer to God and Deepen Your Faith Each Day
Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.
- Ecclesiastes 7:10(KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Ecclesiastes is wisdom literature. This bit of wisdom is rebuking the act of wondering why it was better before. The "back in the good ole days" mentality explaining why everything went wrong. Don't focus on the past saying it was better. You are living in the present. Enjoy it, and if you don't like what you see, seek to change things instead of complaining about it. Today is today, love God, obey Him, and love others.
My Prayer...
Holy God, give me a sense of purpose in each day that you give me life and give me an optimistic outlook on the future and on my Lord who will meet me there. Please help me have a sense of genuine joy knowing that no matter where the road leads me today, I will journey with you. In Jesus' name I thank you for being my loving God and eternal Father. Amen.
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