Evil hearts, evil outcomes (Proverbs 24:1-2)
hello my friends welcome back to the morning mindset Carrie green here if you knew the morning mindset welcome I'm glad you're here this is our daily opportunity to together get our minds and our hearts are aligned with the truth. That's our hope for this day is it we can think and therefore behave as God things so that we can therefore live life to bring him glory bring him honor today will be looking at Proverbs 24 verses 1 and 2 or Solomon is going to guide us to think about the evil outcomes that come from Evil hearts and how to avoid being one of those people and before we get going on to remind you that on my website there are many books and blog posts and things like that for those of you who enjoy reading it spending time pondering a little more deeply on some of the subjects that we talked about here you can go to carry green.com that Carey green like the color.com and find my boo
just had to see the books that are written and also the blog tap to see the blocks that come out every other week every week something like that it varies just because my schedule varies so check that out I would love to have you interact with me there or today Proverbs 20:4 1 through 2 says be not envious of evil men nor desire to be with them for their hearts device violence and their lips talk of trouble now let's think for a moment about what it means to Envy someone that's the warning this helmets give us giving us is to be careful that we're not envious of people who are evil
should be envious in to see their life and think there's something in their life you want or something in your there like you wish you had is he being envious is a form of discontent is a form of dissatisfaction with the life that God has already given us and Solomon is warning us don't be envious especially of people who are evil and don't desire to be with them now why might you be envious of an evil person well sometimes we look at people whose lives are solid or essential or evil and they seem to be getting along really well in the world in fact they seem to be somewhat rewarded for the evil that they do you know they're they're cheaters they're Liars their Steve's in their life as far as you can tell I'm the outside looks to have all the stuff that you would want to have
it's only thing that's deceitful that. That's a lie that you're seeing there you're only seen the Allure of something good while in the heart there is evil lurking and you want to be careful so don't be envious of those people don't desire even to be their friend to be with them and here's wipers to says for their hearts device violence so you see it's a heart issue evil hearts are what produces evil outcomes evil hearts are what the Lord is condemning here and those hearts are going to devise violence they're going to devise harmful things not just for other people but even for those around them UCA comes back in time it comes back on that person that comes back on their family it comes back on those who are near them and it is something you wants to clear up as a person who seeking to follow Jesus Christ he also says their lips talk of trouble
so this is a person who's planning to do evil a person's planning to not only make trouble but to make trouble for other people you see and all of this comes from their hearts and Solomon's desire for his son and for us as those reading this proverb is that we have our eyes open and we see what's really under the surface of a person who seems to have it all by doing that things you see under the surface is evil and God himself the creator of the universe who is wholly Beyond description and who is righteous and who has mercifully called us to be a part of his family and to be his children he is opposed to evil in every form and when it rises up in the heart of an individual a human being whom he's created he will oppose it there as well because his eye is looking toward Holiness his desire is for good to come about in
world not buying let's not trouble not the evil that comes from Evil Hearts so friends I want to caution you only warn you right alongside our brother Solomon to Think Through the friends you have think through the circles you run in so that you can not be envious of the evil people around you and you cannot be in their company to protect yourself from the trouble in the violence in the harm that comes of association with them where Jesus we know that you desire better for us and then we see in the lives of anyone who is gaining from doing evil every asked you to protect us to preserve us to get us hearts that desire good and I pursue good in every respect and we ask you to protect us from the attacks of our spiritual enemies that would drive us in that direction Lord preserve us to the very end as your holy people
in Jesus name we pray