Prosper by Paying Attention (Proverbs 27:23-27)
hello my friends welcome back to the morning mindset I trust you're doing well today even if life is in one of those Seasons where things are hard things are going on that you would rather not have to deal with know this there is a God in the heavens who loves you in as soon as I jesus to die for you we have reason to Rejoice my name is Gary green I am here to help you get your mind aligned with the truth of God today we'll be doing so by looking at the Book of Proverbs chapter 27 verses 23 through 27 this is wrapping up chapter 27 today before we dive into that do I'm going to remind you tomorrow is our next pray together episode do you have a prayer request you have something you would like for the extended morning mindset family to pray for
I would love to that pray for you tomorrow and I would love for more than 10,000 listeners like you to pray for the things you have in mind please go to carry that Carey green just like the prayer and you will find a quick form that you can fill out and let us know your request to include in tomorrow's episode okay Proverbs 27 verses 23 through 27 here's how it reads it says know well the condition of your flocks and get attention to your herds for riches do not last forever and does a crown in your car all generations
when the grass is gone and the new growth appears in the vegetation of the mountains this gathered the Lambs will provide your clothing and the goats the price of a field there will be enough goat's milk for your food for the food of your household and maintenance for your girls
then that is a very interesting description of a home or a the way home my operate back in Solomon's day and tell him it's focusing just on the agricultural in agrarian sorts of practices you know crops and animals and providing for yourself through such things he's also focusing if you notice in the very first verse the role that the one who leaves the household would have to know well the condition of those flocks that he's just mentioned don't what is his point was point is you need to know the condition of the things that are going on in your life the things that you're responsible for because it's in knowing those things that you and those you're responsible for will prosper
so what is the things in our lives these days that would relate to a situation like this will it could be the maintenance on your home it could be the maintenance of relationships within your family
it could be the relationships you're involved with that work do you know do you really know how things stand in all of those areas and those are just some examples friends I bet you could think right now of things in your life that you're responsible for that if you paid closer attention to those details in the details of how those things you're doing you would be able to head things off early a head off trouble ahead of time perhaps you'd be able to keep things running well rather than letting things twindle down to nothing you see Solomon's hold Point here is to pay close attention to things so that by them you can prosper and your life can be peaceful and rest provided for in ways that the Lord wants to provide
Prince I think in our day and in our
place in the history of the world we have so many reasons to think that everything's just going to take care of itself and me we have conveniences we have electronic Technologies with all kinds of things that make life easier and yet it seems that the average life is spinning out of control more and more all the time and I believe part of it is because we don't pay attention to the details of the things in our lives we don't do our best to head things off before they become problems we just wait until the problem occurs and then we go into panic mode
princess Believers in Jesus Christ we should be standing out in the crowd that's people who care for the things under their care for the sake of our Jesus
what God give us eyes to see the condition of the things under our care the things you've given us to manage to benefit from that we can prosper by paying attention and Lord Jesus we gonna do this not just for our own sake for the for the sake of the people under us that we can care for our families we can care for a coworker to care for those who you have placed in our orbit and if we can do so For Your Glory and for the good name of Jesus Christ and the name Christian it in Jesus name we pray amen