A Prayer for When Change Seems Impossible (Peter 1:3)
Life audio
thank you for listening to your daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what is going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you right after the short word from our sponsor we will pray through today's prayer together
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a prayer for when change seems impossible written and read by Ashley Moore
by his divine power God has given us everything we need for living a Godly life we have received all of this by coming to know him the one who called us to himself by means of His Marvelous glory and Excellence 2nd Peter 1:3
something about transitioning to a new year dress people to reflect on the past the Ponder ways to improve future
we see it in businesses as they examine their last quarter and make new goals for the next four quarters families examine their rhythms and commitments and make decisions about what they want to keep or change moving forward and people personally inspect their health and fitness levels and make plans for personal growth in the upcoming year what typically happens next do can be rather disappointing we start strong with the momentum of transition and Ride The Hive new habits and routines but it doesn't take long before employees get swapped maintaining rather than advancing the business the family calendar gets overtaken by the kids sports in church commitments and are sneakers and dumbbells begin to collect dust lasting change can fill impossible sometimes can it
it only adds to our discouragement when we fail to meet our goals keep our promises or honor our commitments
change can begin to seem futile
This Is A Dangerous Minds that for the believer only doubt that change is possible we can grow cynical our citizens can breed hopelessness about our situation and whether I'll ever be capable of making the greatest change turning from their sin and following Jesus we fall prey to a lot a true and Lasting change depends only on our ability missing ourselves we aren't capable have you ever been there this is what I have so much love for Peter's words for Marquee 1st Peter live the reality of The Human Experience this tension of Desiring change and wants to live a fruitful life but quite hitting the mark to put it in another reminder to our friend Peter
our Spirits are willing but our flesh is oh so weak Matthew 26:41 headstrong disciple who was utterly convinced that cried from being crucified Matthew 16:22 Jesus called him Satan and rebuked him for this Matthew 16:23 he was also the disciple who claimed to Jesus that is everyone else would you be willing to go to prison and 2233 through 34 understanding Jesus plan for salvation in an ill-fitting Peters of one of the high priest servant John 1810
finally it's Christ was taken to be crucified just as he said he would never do Peter denied knowing Jesus three times Luke 22 57 through 60
received from his writings and 2nd Peter that people can change Peter finally acknowledged and accepted that the power to change and was anything that remotely resembles a christ-like life comes from God's divine power not our own
if we need that reminder as we seek to make changes in the new year to our strength grit and Cher will won't be enough to make lasting changes God has given us everything we need to live a changed life a life that is pleasing to him and when you received this coming to know him by the power of the Holy Spirit changed true change that brings glory to God is possible let's pray the Lord thank you for giving your people a desire to make positive changes we know every good thing about us is a gift from you I pray that as we work to make changes in the New Year we would do so from a heart motivation of bringing glory to you or forgive us when that is not our motivation Butler we also pray that as we seek to change we would remember and depend on your spirit for power and not the power of our
Lashley faulty South well thank you that you equipped us with everything we need to live a Godly life this year and forever in Jesus name amen
your daily prayer is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast. So that more listeners like you can find the show
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