A Prayer for Joy(Nehemiah8:10)
Life audio
thank you for listening to your daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what's going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you
right after the short word from our sponsor will pray for today's prayer together
a prayer for Joy by Tiffany to Bald read by Liam Martin
for the joy of the Lord is your strength Nehemiah 8:10
God has created us to enjoy our life to find pleasure in the things that were interested in for me Joyce found not only in the big moments of my life like weddings birth celebrations but it's also found in the small moments like sitting on a Sandy Beach listening to the crash of the waves or seeing my baby smile at me each morning when I used to get her from her crib
the reality is that those big and small moments are bleeding lips time in my life
my babies are all grown and I now live far from the beach in memory of these situations still brings me joy when I think about them
even though Gods created us to Crave joy in our lives our days are mostly filled with things that can steal our joy we focus on things that have to be done projects to complete issues to be addressed relationships to be worked on and communication 2 p.m. proved it doesn't seem to be many moments of pure joy throughout any of it
when were faced with those difficult things in life it robbed us of our joy give me a challenge to see beyond the circumstances
however it's during these very hard moments that we must learn to lean into the Lord to remind ourselves of the promises he gives us in the Bible
this verse tells us that our strength comes from the joy of the Lord and what is the joy of the Lord the joy of the Lord found when we deliberately spend time getting to know who God is when we learn to rely on the Promises of scripture to guide our thoughts and emotions and when we walk in close fellowship with God throughout the day
so how can we stay in the joy of the Lord all day long regardless of our circumstances
here are a few things that we can be intentional about we can spend time daily reading the Bible
we can meditate or remember all the things that guys doing our life
we must continue to pray without ceasing
and we must begin to view each situation is believing that God is at work in our hearts and lives
as we begin to focus more on the Lord by starting each day with time in the Bible and in prayer things in our life will begin to change our thoughts and emotions and plans will begin to be viewed through the filter of God being at work and all of the hard situations
our faith will become stronger their trust in the Lord grows deeper
as the days go by Will begin to view every Challenge and every situation with more trust more strength and even with joy in the midst of all that's hard in our lives
will know that God is with us through every single moment and we'll begin to have real deep joy as we realize how much that God has control of every situation how very much he is working all things together for good Romans 8:28 because we love and trust him to be God in our lives
so as you go into your hard things today pray over each of your circumstances and each person in your lives and then hand it all over to the Lord
believe the promise that finding your joy in the Lord will give you all the strength you need to walk through every situation that you face today
let's pray
dear Lord I can do nothing without you and my strength falters I Will Look to You Lord You Are My Strength in every single situation that I'm going through
I cling to the promises that you've given me through the words found in the Bible Lord I cry out to you through the hardness of my situations You Are My Hope you are my peace I find my joy in you
help me to allow the truth of these realities to fill every part of my mind and heart
in your name I pray Jesus
your daily prayer is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show
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