Living Fearless
this is Jennie Allen and you are listening to the Made for This by cats
Rose is a healthy hair regimen with your name all over it take your free end up hair consultation and get 15% off your first order today go to made for this that's p r o s e. Calm made for this for your free in-depth hair consultation and 15% off
the we are in the midst of a season where we are talking about living out of our identity and wholeness and health and I just want to say that this has been hard work but if you're here with us still in the season I think it's one of the most important Seasons we've done for several reasons one reason is that all of you there so many people that have had a hard time recently different than just difficult circumstances which often is the reason people are having a hard time this feels almost just more like a prescient like there is just something going on in the world we're just feels that people are truly down and discouraged and it feels like we're kind of all collectively in a pit and it and we don't totally know why we don't totally know how to get out of it so that's one of the reasons I think this season has been so timely and important the second reason is I really believe in you and I really believe that the next 10 years of the church and those of you that are believers in those are
I'm really prayerful that this would be a season where we would follow God together we would want to actually run the races that God has for us again and it makes me sad that so many people feel like they're on the side of the road right now when I really believe these are the most important days to be alive one thing and one luxury we have is a generation now that we we didn't before coveted how quickly we can lose it all how quickly everything can change you know I'm a product as well of 911 so if you are younger than that you weren't alive or maybe you were super young but I was an adult by then barely and I remember it well and I I remember after that there was no naivety about me anymore that everything couldn't change in a minute and the world was different for years after that and I really believe we're still different from covid and the pandemic in ways that we can truly see now or understand and so I know we give too much power to that but something is going on
write whatever reason it is and so when I'm listening to Jamie like this summer when when I heard his conversations that he had online I was so moved at his fearlessness I was so moved that his identity being secure cuz he talks a lot about identity his identity being secure made him so Fearless that's what I want to see this is why I think this season is important or kind of getting to it now with Jamie I mean the beginning we started with kind of breaking down like where are we and why are we there how do we get out of this pit but now this season has really moved to and what are we going to do what are we going to live like are we going to live shut down by fear are we going to be afraid of the next bad thing that's going to happen and I would just say that's a miserable way to live number one and number two we don't have to live that way as Believers we don't have to be shut down by every fear that is brought our direction we know this about the enemy we know that he has schemes that's what scripture says
is he is scheming against us and so I hate that word I actually have thought a lot about that word because I noticed there are times in my life certainly not everything bad that happens to us is the devil and certainly not every bad mood or I wake up cranky is somehow to blame on the devil there's a lot about just life that is just hard and a lot about me that's just simple so there's plenty of trouble without blaming it on the devil however if there's an enemy scheming against us I think it's important that we step back and go okay what are those schemes what do we see happening at large right now because perhaps they're part of a plan to shut us down it's on the show some my cards right now might sound a little crazy to some of you but a lot of you know exactly what I'm talking about there is stuff that the enemy is making us all believe that is causing paralysis in the church division in the church
fear in the church and I hate it and I want to see us living with Reckless abandon and that takes fearlessness that takes us saying you know what I will go where he sends me I will say what he tells me to say I will love who he calls me to love and I won't do my life out of fear I spoke this last week at an adoption conference and I talked about the story of Joshua and Caleb and just their grit and their beliefs and their faith in God that they could take the Giants in the land that they could obey God and see Victory and yet so many people 10 out of the 12 said no it's too hard it's too big we can't do it we're grasshoppers who are we to even go and try to do the same and Caleb's like what like we can do this this isn't hard and I feel a lot sometimes like Caleb and Joshua where there's just a lot of darkness in the world there's a lot of dough
there's a lot of fear and I'm kind of cheerleader like hate you have God we can do this I really just probably like himself I just feel like I see it like it's not necessarily like wow I have a lot of faith I just feel like it's possible because I really believe and know God and yet I think a lot of you are filling your mind with the news with Twitter with negativity all the time to where the fear is growing and your view of God is shrinking and I'm going to say the fear needs a shrink and your view of God needs to grow because then day-to-day what God calls you to what God is leading you to do is going to be clear to you if you're not afraid and you're going to know that you can do it it gets real confusing and vague and fearful when we constantly are listening to fearful messages which is the whole world right I mean that that is just how everything sells right at him in the news has a goal and it is to scare you
is he will keep watching it that is their first goal they are trying to do that to you so I do believe we've got to fight back and no do you know what we don't have to be discouraged it's actually not hopeless it actually is an ideal time for the church to rise up and to make a difference and yes there is Brokenness in the church there is an house in the church there is division in the church yes all that is true but the church is just people and if you really go to each one of those things if you look at the vision and the sin in the church and in the unhealthy or hurt that the church is causing and you look under the hood of it it's just people that are dealing with her business you know the day we need to be healthy whole people is why we're doing a series because I believe as we do the work in our lives to be healthy and whole and right with God and bright with other people then we get to be Unleashed we get to be Unleashed to reconcile when we reconciled with God and others
first but it's hard to play our position and our role in the world if we're completely consumed with anger toward our father or were completely consumed with hurt from a broken marriage or were completely consumed with fear that our child could get exposed to something dark and twisty right if we're just shut down and fear then we're not going to get healthy when I get home can't help anybody else be healthy
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that wanted to take a minute just to give you remind you of the big picture of what we're doing in this series some of you are just joining us and I would say go back and listen to the whole series and order because there was some strategy to this there was some planning that went into this series that there would be both a Reconciliation for you to make in your own heart with yourself with god with other people and then a calling to go and to give that away right that's the goal that's what we're trying to go for it because when I read and I told you this and Hebrews 12 is that and I really believe this that it's such a life verse for me because I believe it is the picture of what I hope discipleship produces in our lives that we run the race that God set before us the one he set before us not the one we want to run but the one he's up for it we throw off the sin and the burden that so easily entangles us both the sin and the burden and we fix our eyes on Jesus will all my life I read that as something that would
happened in some certain order I mean I would throw off the scent and then I could run or I would fix my eyes on Jesus then I can rent I actually think it's all happening at the exact same time I think as we run our races and fix our eyes on Jesus descend and the burden goes away and so a huge part of us living into wholeness and health and freedom and into the identity God has given us as children of God is to run a race not be afraid to get up in the day and do the scary thing whatever that scary thing is before you and what I love about Jamie and why I think it was so helpful to have him share here and why are we again we gave him several episodes is because something about his crazy with cheese crazy right he's done some unbelievable things and he's going to be back on this Thursday as well so you're not going to want to miss Pat is wild the stories he has about his life and and how he's dressed a guide and gone into the darkest places in the world but when you hear it you just want to not hold back
just want to live recklessly abandoned and I look at that throughout scripture to you see Paul who says flipping 121 says 42 me to live is Christ and to die is gain there was this Peerless this even about death for him he's like you know what if I'm going to live I'm going to live surrendered I'm going to live for the glory of God and if I die it's game and something about living in to that story I believe also unleashes and unlock the race that you were both to run I want you to imagine that you have a 4 year old and you're sitting with that 4 year olds and 4 year old is so scared I mean so scared because you told them you're going to take them to the playground you're going to go down the slide and they are so scared of the slides so they they literally will not leave your house they are so afraid of the slide to slide is terrified and they don't want to go on the side well there's so much more to the day that you have planned for them than just that side there's so much you want to go see friends at the park you want
so enjoy the walk and look at the leaves in the flowers and talk about the day and the weather and you want to go maybe ice cream after the park you have so many different plans for them but all they can think about is that flight and you're sitting there trying to negotiate over something so small that has them completely locked up and paralyzed and guy that's what I see in the church today so many people are focused on the slide politics who's going to be in off what can happen to our rights fear about health and what's going to happen if the pain gets worse and and Kobe come back with a vengeance this winter or maybe it's fear of rejection in relationships if you actually live out the calling that God has put in your heart whatever it is whatever you're afraid of it's the slide it's the thing that you cannot quit thinking about your you're fixated on it and so you're stuck in your house when God's like I have a whole adventure for you it's all about the slide but all you can see or think about is a slide in the slide might be something we have to deal with in today right we might the baby.
I mean don't analyze it to the point where you are completely shut down over something that is small in light of Eternity and I'm not saying health and politics and all those things are small but they are in light of Eternity and they are in light of the calling that God has put in your life to build eternity so we are losing perspective and we are possibly focused on all the wrong things and therefore we are living afraid God calls us to not be afraid he knows we will be any stock price for that and we talked about that there's compassion that there is a story that he's inviting us to there's a day that he has planned for us that we are missing all of it because we are so afraid of something bad happening I think watching Jamie's life what it did for me this summer I'll just be really candid that when I took sabbatical and I was coming back I had a lot of fear about coming back because life was really inflated and great the summer was just happy and fun and easy and my family was closed and
and I saw my good friends and I just it was a simple little life that that I think God was pleased with and and it was full of rest and a lot of fun and a lot of play and I had this fear this dratted going back and it costing me some of the things I was loving and it costing me things that I didn't know if I wanted to pay and what Jamie like listening to that that interview with him this Summer did for me was it made me want to not miss what he has for me it made me not want to sacrifice the story that God is building for me to protect myself to be comfortable for life to be easy I want what he wants for me and I don't want to miss a single minute of it and I hope you feel the same way
we are launching officially Made for This plus we wanted a way to make these like devotional style. Playlist that go deep into some of the topics that you guys requests the most like anxiety and Shane marriage loneliness when you join me for this plus you get access to live video conversations and Q and A's with Jenny and I and you'll get to listen to never-before-released teachings phone is pep talk all kinds of stuff we have planned and all of these fun things just load right into whatever podcast after listening to you so you can join now if you go to Jenny and there's a button that says access Made for This plus guys it's $6 a month or $59 a year and we are going to a haunted stuff like a whole Bible study series on Jenny's book anyting that currently doesn't live anywhere it will come and Made for This plus you guys do you have
join made for this place they go to Jenny and join now and yes you can get this to a friend I cannot wait to see you over there