Jealousy - It's Human Nature (Proverbs 27:4)
hello my friends welcome back time to the morning makes it again I hope you are ready to get your mind online with the truth of God for today if you're not if you feel like you're kind of in a rush right now just stop for a moment take a deep breath and close your eyes for a second if you're not driving to get yourself ready get your heart ready to receive God's truth from The Book of Proverbs today we talkin about a subject that really is one of those elephants in the room that we don't usually like to talk about an FBI issued jealousy it something it's hard to really pin down sometimes it's hard to be honest about if we find in ourselves so we looked at in just a moment before we do I just wanted to point you to another resource that I'm producing that may be of benefit to you I write a blog that comes out periodically mostly every week in and what are the fun things have been doing recently is a post that comes out of Believe on Sundays called blog casserole it's just a hodgepodge of things I found throughout the week that have either been helpful instructive entertain
something like that things I can recommend to you so I would love for you to sign up for the blog you can find it at Kerry you'll also find a number of books that are written on the website as well alright let's look at Proverbs 27:9 before it says wrath is cruel
anger is overwhelming but who can stand before jealousy
do you see how Solomon is comparing jealousy to two different things that we all would say are very difficult things to deal with wrath so that's like extreme anger somebody who is pouring out Vengeance it says wrath is cruel amen we understand that rock can be very cruel anger is overwhelming so amen we all understand that once it was very very angry sometimes you throw up your hands or know what to do you don't know how to respond
and he saying but there's something worse who can stand before jealousy
is it jealousy is one of those things that we all feel to some degree at certain times in their life when were younger especially it seems we Envy the people who have things we don't have whether that be skills or popularity or possessions you know and that's a form of jealousy jealousy is when we look at someone else and we kind of resent what they have we resent them because of what they have be that skills compliments opportunities whatever that is jealousy
jealousy spends itself out in all kinds of different ways that affect other people that's why it's almond is comparing it to wrath into anger because those two things have a direct impact on other people will jealousy is the same and he saying who can stand before jealousy he said when jealousy comes to bear on you and you feel the impact of someone's jealousy it'll be constipating thing you can knock you down knock you off your feet I can put you in a place where and you just feel helpless in and without power Prince jealousy is an amazingly destructive thing now let's turn the corner here
and think about what are we to do about jealousy Solomon his only laid out for us how damaging and destructive it could be but what are we to do about it I think first of all we need to turn our hearts to our Savior and we need to ask him to reveal an us what is at the root of any jealousies we may feel and one of the things that I find there and myself when I I see jealousy rising up his I feel a lack of contentment with my own situation or my own life and that lack of contentment that is true
comes from not believing that what God has put in my life is indeed good
there's a there's a route underneath that believes God is holding out on me if God really loved me he would give me what that person has or he would have done in my life what he's done in there like you see it all kind of spins from that place of dissatisfaction that's where jealousy comes from friends so I think we would do well to make ourselves students of what the Apostle Paul says when he says I have learned the secret of being content in any and all circumstances and you want to know what his secret was he says I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
she contentment that place of satisfaction what God is doing in your life isn't your faith in Jesus Christ we can rest in him being content and what he's done and what are you doing in our lives and we can be hopeful in him toward what he's doing in the future without jealousy being part of the picture
or Jesus fill us up with faith in you that we can be content in any and all circumstances like the Apostle Paul because we trust you we know you'll give us the strength for what we need in any given time we know you'll provide the resources we need for every need that comes into our lives Lord Jesus prune jealousy from our hearts and a ballistic and satisfied in actually full of joy because of who you are as our savior in as our King we ask it in your name