A Prayer for God to Reach Out through My Words
Life audio
thank you for listening to your daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what is going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you right after they short word from our sponsor we will praise you today's prayer together
our world can feel chaotic and uncertain but we don't have to live in Slave To Fear Christ has promised you and I his peace and throughout scripture he is provided powerful truce and practical steps to help us experience greater Freedom I'm Jennifer Slattery lead host of the faith over fear podcast inviting you to join me in my team as together we learn how to starve our fears and grow Our Fate subscribe at life audio.com
a prayer for God to reach out through my words written and read by Lynette Kittle let your conversation be always full of grace season with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone Colossians 4:6
lately it seems I've been spending more time online or the phone with customer service people concerning orders or deliveries going to miss you can seem like a big waste of time too many toilets steals away our minutes and hours from our days chalked up as time-consuming and frustrating experience for most
however as Christians we know the people on the other end of the line or chat are real individuals like us who have a soul and an eternal future weather having her house so instead of saying negative upsetting comments to them we can choose a better option
truth God doesn't want me to lose sight of us a Christian is how my influence has he bility to extend even to customer service Representatives so instead of my letting it feel like it's taking so much time to straighten things out that's been showing me that it doesn't have to be a draining negative experience but rather an opportunity to reach out to individuals on the other end of my conversations get it still easy to underestimate how God can move and work and seemingly routine interactions with people we don't even know it's wise to keep in mind how he is able to lead died and connect us with just the right people to talk to in every situation no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the time
but might be just another thing we have to deal with could be a turning point in another person's life maybe not but why don't we just approach every opportunity as a possible life changing interaction too dramatic some may think possibly but is it better to Air and thinking it may be a god opportunity rather than just a big waste of time
are so many things we don't know about the other person we're connecting and interacting with online or on a call such as where do they come from what they've experienced in their life they have people who love and care about them or even just how their day began these situations open the door for us to extend God's kindness forgiveness and compassion on us some people believe the squeaky wheel gets the results Romans 2:4 explains or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness forbearance and patience not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance let's pray dear father thank you that you are not slow and keeping your promises to me but patient not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance
because you are so patient with me help me Lord today and everyday to be patient with those I speak to in various situations often conversations I'm a fine inconvenient and destructive to my daily schedule so father please help me to be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave me I asked for your kindness patience and long-suffering to be present in my interactions with strangers on the other end the conversations rather than being Kurt and irritated help me Lord to let the light you put Within Me
shine so brightly it will see it and be glad to glorify you and Heaven if people misunderstand or discount my words or even responds rudely to me please let your Holy Spirit lead and guide me and how to respond and what to say I thank you because Luke 12 12 assures me for the holy spirit will teach you at that time and what you should say also Father open my eyes to not miss an opportunity to encourage a customer service person do my words and attitude even offering to say a brief stay with them if led by your spirit to do so as efficient 618 urges and pray in the spirit on All Occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this and be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people
likewise let me be open and ready to share your Truth by 2nd Timothy 4 2 encourages preach the word be prepared in season and out of season correct rebuke and encouraged with great patience and careful instruction I look to you today to work within me to cleanse me from all unrighteousness and wrong attitudes towards the exchange words with on a daily basis like Psalm 51 to directs Lord wash away all mine equity and cleanse me from my sin in Jesus name amen
your daily prayer is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show
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