What you see, reveals God (Proverbs 30:18-19)
hello my friends welcome back to the morning I sent I'm glad you here and I hope you're not weirded out by me calling you friends all the time even though we never met the reason I feel like it's okay and it's appropriate for me to call you friends is because the Bible itself actually says we're closer than that by our faith in Jesus Christ being a common bond between us we are actually brothers and sisters so I could say brother I could say sister but I just want to keep your friends because I really do for you you're my friends I know you're praying for me as I pray for you I pray that God's word will have its effect in your life as you listen and that's the relationship that we have some friends I'm glad you're here today we're going to be talking about how what we see in the world around this reveals God and that's going to be coming from Proverbs Chapter 30 verse is 18 through 92 Bible or an app you want to pull up and look at yourself please go ahead and do that before we get there though I want to remind you if you are a reader you like to read things you enjoy.
I have a Blog and I also have books where do lots of writing about Christian growth-oriented things the culture things like that you can find all of that that carry Green Dot Com that Carey green like the color.com and they're lots of books there including my Christian speculative fiction fantasy series called The Dragon's Lair Chronicles you can learn all that carry Green Dot comic books okay proverbs 30 18th through 19th says three things are too wonderful for me before I don't understand so do you understand what the writer saying you think there's three things that just blow my mind in a fourth one then I'm going to add to the list that I also don't understand your they are the way of an eagle in the sky
the way of a serpent on a rock the way of a ship on the high seas
and the way of a man with a virgin
all right now let's look at each one of these and see what they have in common why are these things that the author says our two wonderful and things he doesn't understand what he's viewing that bird up in the sky that eagle sing a suorin in Hubbard and Float On the wind and there is something marvelous about that isn't there if there's this Wonder as you look at it and you just think of how it works, some of us are into birds and we understand the science behind it and all that but the writer of Proverbs didn't necessarily understand those things he would sit there and watch it and just kind of been captivated by the almost the magic of it floating up there another way of a serpent on a rock you know if you don't know anything about how a Serpent's body is constructed and how it's able to Slither as it doesn't move itself along the ground or a rock man Zach is a wondrous thing too cuz it looks like it just it just slides it just doesn't sting with a not much I've heard it all
then the next with the way of a ship on the high seas and I'm still a little confused by this sometimes when I see the sails and the winds blowing the opposite direction yet it can go into the wind how does all that work I know there are explanations but I don't know what they are and it causes me to be filled up at this sense of wonder and it finally the way of a man with a virgin know what he saying there is the wave relationships the way of Love the Way of men and women relating how does all that work I mean there is Mystery to all these things isn't there
and a writer is pointing these things out to draw us into the mystery to make us Ponder these amazing things that we see in our lives and really his point is to lift your eyes higher to the creator of all those things he wants us to recognize in the things around us that God's fingerprints so to speak are all over it is evidence for him everywhere there are these wondrous Majestic all inspiring things we see every day that point us to the reality of our creator and really in our hearts should prompt us to worship should prompt us to just say God you're so amazing the things you make in the creativity was involved in that the diversity and complexity of what you made
causes me to just bow my head in adoration and worship in honor of you friends will you see every day where you experience every day as inklings sparkling gleemerz of God in it
I would encourage you like a writer Proverbs here to open your eyes to that open your heart to that and see The Wonder of what God has done and worship him
Lord Jesus we worship you we know you are our creator you are the one who's made all these wondrous things we see around us from a baby smile and funny little laugh to the glory of a sunset at the Grand Canyon you are the Creator and we honor worship you ask that Creator rescue to date to enable us to point others to you through our observation of those steaks to point those things out to people and let them see as well the Creator the wonder what you done work and able as to be lights for your sake this world will grow and change and be transformed by the knowledge of you or do this in our hearts and in the hearts of others in Jesus name