How Do I Persist in Prayer?
walking back to podcast on Monday we took a question from Rose a woman who has emailed us several times over the years she's emailed us the same brief question how do I pray for my husband to be saved
 it's question from desperation and baby from weariness to so how does how does a woman has a wife like rose not lose heart and praying for her husband over a Year's maybe even over decades Pastor John Deere ended his answer with a brief mention of Luke 18 verses 1 to 8 a parable a gray Parable for those who need motivation to endure in prayer but it's also a very odd Parable it it has sometimes been called the parable of the unjust judge which is weird one of the problems rest how and why is god-like into a Godless unjust judge because of this we often discussed that problem and we just call it preferably the parable of the persistent Widow that's cleaner but no matter what we call it this remains perhaps the oddest Parable that Jesus ever told God because of how many false correlation between
 to untangle to understand it and that's what we do today in the clip from a sermon preached on January 9th at the end of the first week of 1983 to way back first week of 1983 here's a very young Pastor John preaching during a pretty intense season of focus prayer for himself and for his church is what he said it's one of the few pair of two interpretations of the parable he said
 end and be saved is pray pray pray
 Parable goes like this in a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor regard as man and there was a widow or Siri
 for a while he refused and afterward he said
 I need to see her or she'll just continue with, Jesus Compares God the Father to an unjust judge that happened several times in the Bible for example the most familiar one Jesus coming is called the coming of a what in the night they are safe which is not very complimentary
 unexpectedness so hear the point of comparison is not unjust to prevailing prayer
 verse seven drawers out the lesson very clearly obviously God will vindicate his elect to cry to him day and night that is who always pray there for the point of the parable
 show yourself to be the elect
 and if you do that that's why I love with the world and turn back into a pillar stall in judgment from your home you willing to give me this morning in this
 so we're at the in rides and prayer with dangerous place to be praying. Trouble trouble now what
 the word of Jesus to us this morning is don't stop praying don't Peter out don't be fickle and nice
 is the way Peter put it in his first letter the end of all things as it hand
 therefore be sane and sober for your prayers the closer the end draws near the more threats against the warmth of the face of the church and the greater the need for persevering prayer the pressures of world in this will be so great as the end draws near that only a few men's love will make the number terrible help us and encourage us to pray
 continually the Widow, an unjust judge and she pleads for help and she's helpless and she asked the judge and the judge even though he's done just in our only recourse God
 now the argument of the parable is not well if you can get on the case of the judge long enough he'll try to get you off his back by vindicating therefore did you get on this is why you shouldn't the first is that that would contradict clearly look 12:30 to where it says it is your father's good pleasure to give you the reneging on promises is a parable for
 this man knows two things are repeated in verse for though I neither fear God nor I will eat her not fearing God not regarding men are big if you don't fear God
 he doesn't fear God and is fearing that must mean that God isn't at all like this judge because
 the people who fear Him to give to the Widow
 literally in quickly and so by saying that is an argument for the greater you can still get your answer answer because he's not like a judge at all
 the second thing it says about the judge is that he has no regard for
 we need to ask since he has no this Widow and therefore doesn't care about her at all has no regard to her is God like that when we approached pray to him
 verse 7 makes it very clear that that's not the case because verse 7 says Jesus says. God indicate his elect
 when I cry to him night and day that we elect as a dynamite word
 when we chosen us
 what did I say his favor Upon Us adopted us into his family made us his children when we knock on the door and say it's me
 it's very different than what a strange Widow knocks on an unjust judge
 God knows our voice children are the chosen where the aleph and therefore Jesus argues same from lesser to Greater who has a stranger on his door how much more
 joxer readily our request so the parable is intended to encourage to get on with the business of praying because we have such a hopeful Prospect of being answered when Jesus asked at the end of the parable now in verse 8
 when does Spiderman come on Earth find praying or not
 play Jesus mind prayer and Faith stand and fall together yeah that's a fascinating connection with Mercedes in the parable persistent prayer and enduring Faith are correlated as the same thing persistent prayer and enduring Faith are correlated as basically the same thing such an important Parable to understand that was from John Piper sermon preached on January 9th 1983 titled always pray and do not lose heart
 thanks for listening today I am your host Tony ranky and we are rejoined in studio with Pastor John when we return on Friday to close out this week we'll see you then