How to Pray Ineffectivily (Proverbs 28:9)
hello my friends welcome back to the morning nights at I hope you're ready today to get your mind online with the truth of God this is our opportunity this is our chance to come together and get our minds a line around the scripture the truth that can guide us in our living for today today is going to be talking about how to pray and effectively I'm sure we're all wanting to know that but this is really a warning for us a warning about how to ensure we are living in a way that our prayers will be answered stick around for that person I wanted to tell you real quickly a reminder about our new podcast my wife and are producing together is called God-fearing kids and the parents who raised them so this is a Christian parenting podcast if you have anyone in your life who is a parent and who could use some encouragement from the scriptures about the mindset and the methods behind Godly biblical parenting please check it out at God-fearing and share it
with anyone you know right today we're going to look at Proverbs 28 verse number 9 here's how it reads it says if one turns away his ear from hearing the law even his prayer is an abomination
this is a very interesting verse that has come to General application and also a very specific one. Generally speaking what Solomon is trying to tell us is that if we decide in our minds and hearts for whatever reason that we are not going to listen to God that's what that phrase the law is referring to is God's instruction about things God's way of doing things if we decide we're not going to listen to God instead we're going to do things our own way
even our prayers
from our God bless this food to our now I lay me down to sleep to eat the big thing so like all of those prayers it says are an Abomination that word Abomination is a very strong word it means something that God hates something he despises so can you imagine for a moment
how serious of a thing this is that God would hate your prayers
this happens when we turn our ear away from listening to him or you decided our ways better his way is not we are not going to follow what God says that that's General understanding of this pastor show us the more specific thing that I mentioned
those words the law refer to the Old Testament law so the Ten Commandments the rest of the laws that are given in the first four books of the Bible it's a very specific reference to a very specific set of teachings and while we are New Testament Christians who benefit from the fact that Jesus fulfilled the law on our behalf so that we don't have to concern ourselves about certain days and feasts and liturgical laws that are part of how we please go that does not mean that that a law in those first four books has no value to us what it means is that now we're able to look at those through the lens of the Cross we able to see the Jesus has fulfilled all the requirements of these laws for us and even more so he has given us of his holy spirit to amp hours
keep these laws show Friends what I'm saying is in Christ
Our obligation to keep the certain feasts for example is already fulfilled Jesus has already stood in our place yet we may find things in the law in fact we still do find things in the lock that are very beneficial for us if we were to apply it in our life today this sabbath principal remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy
but that doesn't mean we can't work on the Sabbath these days it doesn't mean that we can't do things on the day of worship other than worship but what it does mean is that this principle of one day out of seven being a day of rest for us it's still a valid an important principle Prince if you're burning the candle at both ends and you never have a day off you know what's going to happen to you physically with your health with your emotions with your psyche psychological help you are going to wear down over time and I think we're seeing just a pandemic so to speak of stress and tiredness anxiety in a culture why because we're not obeying God's law in this way and friends what I'm saying is that as we learn to listen to the wisdom of the Old Testament even our prayers will be more effective because we are living our lives in ways that God has designed for them to be left
Lord Jesus guide us in understanding how to apply the Old Testament law as Believers in Jesus in his those who live under the grace of his forgiveness it's hard for us sometimes to know what it looks like to apply some of those things in our day but help us when we know you will your holy spirit is our teacher we depend on you so Jesus give us Insight give us Direction and enable us to be a blessing to those around us today for your name sake and for the sake of your kingdom amen