A Staying Prayer for Parents
the weeks have been marked with lacks but now our grown-up children begin a new set of first
we help them pack their bags of clothes and boxes filled with books but you see what we their parents carry in our hearts anticipation longing love regret anxiety Nostalgia and resolve
we are a mix of excited terrified and closed I'd hope
as we watch our children look for a fresh start remind us to make our home in you
as we send our freshman off into the world make our feet study to stay behind sure confident rooted at peace as we pray for our growing up children to find good friends may you bring prayerful friends to our own side to remind us we're not alone
if insecurity fear or disappointment knock on our newly quiet household or may we turn to you and be still with our questions rather than turn away for the activity of a busy life
if we receive calls from our far away students though there may be tears and heartbreak on the other line may we not set out to fix rather may we sink deeper into you
we've wisdom into the fibers of our soul
bearing the fruit of confidence Clarity contentment and a light heart may we have the patience to believe even when the reports sound Grim maybe not be quick to judge rather may we be patient and curious
may we remember what our children need more than answers is to know they're not alone
may we remember what they need more than advice is to know they got what it takes maybe not despise our weakness rather may we see how weakness brings a daily reminder to trust
may we feel the freedom to feel what we feel without the pressure to be more happy more sad or more anything other than simply who we are in this moment when we struggle to let go and your time replace our fear with current and our confusion with
and women not enough taunt Us in the night the fear that we didn't love teach do or instruct enough while the kids were under our roof Comfort us with the assurance that you are the artist who weaves together the good and the Beautiful from all things
Elvis release our children into your hands
as parents sending children off all over the world may your grace surprise as kindly in this time of newness waiting in love