Protecting yourself
hello my friends Carrie green here welcome back to the morning mindset I hope you're ready to get your mind aligned with the truth of God if you're not just stop for a moment
take a deep breath Shake It Out get your mind ready push aside the cares of the day and stresses that you're looking forward to or anticipating might happen in the day and just relax for remind yourself the Lord is God and he has some listen to give you today through the word of God let's dig into Proverbs chapter 22 together before we do let me remind you did you know my wife and I have started a new podcast it's free to anybody who wants to listen and it's on the topic of Christian parenting it's called a God-fearing kids and the parents who raised them of course you can search for it in your podcast player or app you can also go to the description of this episode and there's a link there or you can go to God being kids. If you are Christian parent or you know someone who is please help us get the word out about our brand new podcast
moving on to the Book of Proverbs let's look at Proverbs chapter 22 verse number 3 it says The Prudent sees danger and hides himself but the simple go on and suffer for it so that word prudent means someone who's wise someone who's smart they see danger coming and they hide themselves so it's like you see the tornado coming you get in the tornado seller you see a flood coming you get to High Ground your dad is what a wise person does the unwise person doesn't prepare when they see a danger your head it says at the end of the verse the simple go on and suffer for it so they just go on with the way life's been with the choices they've been making with the decisions that they've been making you see the difference between wisdom and foolishness in many cases is action
the foolish is too lazy to act sometimes the foolish doesn't recognize the need to act but a wise person sees what's going on around them and they are Discerning the same conclusions and judgments about what's happening and then they take action friends that is you and that is me and that is how we protect ourselves is through applying the wisdom that God gives us let's look up Proverbs 22 verse number 5 it's his thorns and snares are in the way of the Crooked whoever guards his soul will keep far from them so this again is showing us a danger that could be on the horizon and it's describing Force how to prevent that Danger from impacting us since thorns and snares are in the way at the Crooked so in other words the person who is deceitful the person who is Trixie the person who's trying to manipulate things into their own way so that they think
will benefit them really what they're doing is they're putting thorns and snares in their way so I Thorn obviously on a rose bush something is Prickly and snares those are traps to sing they're setting a trap for themselves when they're seeking things through deceit and through dishonesty and whoever guards his soul will keep far from them so we can the person who protects himself recognizes there's bad stuff on the other side of a deceitful manipulative lying lifestyle and I'm going to stay far away from that cuz I don't want the bad stuff
your friend is what we can learn from these things like you were to learn that God has given us the ability through the wisdom of his holy spirit to discern things that are going on in our lives to see the consequences that come about through particular actions in this last verse it's a consequences that come about through deceit and lies but just in life in general there are consequences that happened through our actions God wants us has his people to represent him well and to be thinking in Wise ways we receive the opportunities before us to make judgments based on what we see happening and to choose the wise path that is what the wisdom of God enables us to do so friends what decisions do you have before you today that you need help with ask the Lord of Heaven to give you wisdom that you can see the
and you can protect yourself by his grace and by the wisdom that he provides
Lord Jesus we know many friends today have decisions before them that weren't there a month ago that are difficult and that are crying and they are afraid maybe certain ways Lord we ask you to calm the fear and give them confidence that you will give them wisdom as they ask for it and that they will be able to protect themselves from harmful out if they stop take a moment and consider their ways to see where the danger is so that they can hide themselves from it and load if it's a time when they just can't tell what did you give them wisdom Beyond themselves I give him counsel from Wise and godly people we ask you to do this for my brothers and sisters in Jesus name
let's pray together for World spiritual renewal
I got we pray for Spiritual renewal in our world because we want you to rain we want your righteousness to Prevail because Lord as we study today we see so many bad things bad decisions being made in our world by political leaders by rulers by those in Authority within businesses and we know because we have your wisdom that there's danger on the other side of many of those decisions because there are unrighteous decisions and their decisions that will bring harm not just to the people making them but on a more widespread scale to society and so Lord we ask you by your mercy and by your grace to bring about a transformation in the hearts of those who are making such impacting decisions for a world and Lord do so for your namesake do so in your mind and in your power in your glory and bring about a sense of relief to the righteous as we see you moving through the power of your spirit board